Waiting for God's Best

10:56 PM

Are you waiting for God's plans or are you jumping forward with your finite ones? 

All too often, we rely on our human reasoning to make our plans. Our culture, our upbringing, our friends - all have an impact on our decisions. 

Yet, have we ever considered that the infinite God who is far above any trend or culture has a perfect plan and knew what it was from day one of your existence? 

Are you praying for wisdom to discern that plan?

Many times we want everything NOW rather than realizing that God's plan is perfect and his timing is better than anything we could could imagine. 

The reason? God can see into our future. We can't. God wants the best for us. We want the best for what we perceive now. God perceives into eternity. And His plan for our life encompasses everything. He knows what our situation years down the road will be. 

We don't know the future, so our plans are so short-sighted that what we want today may be harmful to us tomorrow (or even today). 

So let us then carefully consider the plans which we make. Do we want a fulfilled future knowing that God wrote our story? Or do we want to try to figure it out, ruining the perfectness, the peace, that we could have in Christ and His plan for us individually?

Let us turn inward and ask this question. Then, laying all at our Saviour's feet inquire "What shall I do with this life of mine? Guide my feeble steps in your perfect path! I leave my plans in Your hands!" 

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