Me Before You: A plea

11:39 AM

Dear friends,
When I went to watch "Me Before You" I had high hopes, yet did not know the outcome yet. I was looking forward to watching a movie that touched on the issue of disabilities and the joy that one can have in spite of it all. 

When the last scene came on while the audience was weeping I gritted my teeth in sheer anger and tried hard not to cry out "how dare you! This movie is an injustice to people with disabilities and the writer tore apart two perfectly capable people of loving each other" 

Then it hit me. This is the way the world as we know it is headed. It glamorizes death and the self infliction of it. It makes people with disabilities look like impossible burdens and miserable. It portrays them as unable to love fully. 

After watching me before you I thought about it for days. How could someone be so SELFISH to end their life when some is willing to love them and be with them for the rest of their lives?? When loving parents stand by helplessly watching their son choose death. 

Only God can designate a time to live and a time to die... If we make that choice ourselves we dishonour God, and choose an "easy way out". 

Joni Erickson is one example of a quadriplegic. Look what she has done for the world! The song "alone yet not alone"  she sang inspires me in my challenges each time I sing it!! 

This movie continues to haunt me and it ignited me to speak OUT against this injustice to humanity!! 

Please tell more people just how PRECIOUS life truly is. How beautiful it is. The people who are struggling with the question of medical suicide must be loved beyond measure and prayed for, as their lives are precious! They matter and they can love out of bounds just as much as someone who is not disabled! 

This movie inspired a plea in me... A plea to all Christians to stand up for the right and fight against the moral degradation in this world. To stand up for those who now think it's easier to end their life than to live it and face difficulties. Who don't know the love of Jesus! 

I truly believe that if we condone and make excuses for these moral actions of our society we will have to answer someday for them!! 

Please read the below article by Joni herself! It will make you think seriously about this issue coming from someone who knows. 

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