Memories Relived...a Tribute to my Grandma

6:55 PM

It’s funny how memories pop up just when you least expect them to. Today I pulled out my old diaries and came across pages of journaling from the last time my Grandma Grace visited.

It was a special surprise and helped me remember my Grandmother who recently passed away and cherish the memories that I had forgotten all those years ago.

Her last visit to my family was in 2007 when I was 13 …  

{July 2007}

July 15

“Grandma Grace is here! Grandma Grace is here!”

….Jackpot (Grandma’s dog) was put to sleep…
The next few days Grandma refused to eat and mourned her dog’s death. My Dad’s brothers and sister were desperate. Grandma was not in good shape and to take her mind off her dog suggested her to come and visit {us}.

….. Mom went crazy when she found out…the dust was flying in every corner for a couple of days but now, as usual, it’s all spotless …..

July 16

I talked away to {Grandma} and showed her pictures… Now she’s resting. I do hope she doesn’t sleep all day. There is SO MUCH to show her!…..

We played piano for her yesterday. She was totally amazed and clapped and clapped.

July 17

Dad put a waterslide together and William and Rachel had lots of fun Grandma went out too and sitting on a chair she clapped and cheered. She said she hadn’t felt so good since she came!

“I guess I just needed a bit of entertainment!” she said.

July 19

Yesterday we went to town…the waitress (at the restaurant)
took about half an hour to bring our ordered food! Grandma finally said, “That’s it! I’m walking out! This is ridiculous how long it takes!”
Mom, embarrassed went …. and said “Our food? We made an order half and hour ago…it is coming? My mother-in-law is getting impatient!”

The waitress brought the food out a couple minutes later.
Grandma said, “My, did they bring that out in a hurry… I should've thought to threaten to walk out fifteen minutes ago!”…..haha!

July 21

“Grandma Grace calls me a dreamer….” Went for a bit of a walk today. We walked all the way to the train tracks and looked across the farmer’s field. On the other side it looks so nice. I said, “One day I’m going to go exploring in those woods and walk across this field.”

July 30 

“There’s only one way to say this….
Grandma Grace is gone.
The night before Grandma left, I got her to braid my hair. (She did almost every night). She told me that I took the place of her dog and I said that I was glad I had a purpose!
……I nearly cried when she left!

As I read these pages, I remember how short life is, yet, how precious it truly is as well. 
My Grandma may be gone but I have these beautiful memories. 
Although I was not very close with her, Grandma Grace was my only Grandma that I could communicate with. My other Grandma does not speak English, and as I do not speak Greek fluently a language barrier stands between us.

I will remember Grandma Grace as funny, obstinate when she wanted to be, always honest, and loving to me and my siblings.

I will cherish the moments I rediscovered today...and the memories will live on through out my life.

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