9:41 PM

The laugh of a small child is contagious. It seems to spread and makes you realize that life is truly special - each and every day. Young children are so carefree, so enthusiastic and ready for each and every day. Each new occurrence in life is like an adventure and they embark on the journey full of excitement and joyous anticipation of the unknown. 

Sometimes as adults we forget the gift of laughter. Cherishing the moment and being ready to laugh a problem away is a lesson so often never learned. What would our world be like if we were able to look our troubles in the face and just laugh?

President Abraham Lincoln once said, "If it hadn't been for laughter, I could not have made it." He was one man that could have caved in to the stresses - stresses of the civil war, stresses of the north and south fighting over the abolition of slavery. These could have negatively impacted Lincoln but instead he saw the positive and the good in the bad - and embraced it.

Think about that for a minute. What would it be like if we could see the positive in a negative situation and embraced it, not knowing what the future will hold but acknowledging that God is supreme and that he has it all under control. Then, joyously moving onward and upward never allowing it to pull us down and destroy our faith, our lives, and our joy.

According to Holy Writ, when we are happy, it is like a balm to our soul and it rejuvenates us for each new day. 
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

                                                              Proverbs 17:22

May we always have that child-like faith and even dare to laugh at our trials!

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