Courageous: Mini-Series 2

4:35 PM

about 1010 BCE

A sigh escaped her lips. Head bent, she sat carefully weaving the needle. In and out. Forward, backward. Nabal had demanded she prepare his robe for the upcoming harvest celebration. 
Nabal. Her husband. How strange that sounded. Abigail looked up from her work as a sparrow flew by the door. The little bird reappeared, and flew to the foot of the door, gently pecking here and there for crumbs.  
Freedom. How strange that sounded. The bird was free to come and go, but she was not.

Nabal had been a good and kind at one time. In their carefree childhood, Abigail and Nabal had been playmates. They would play in the fields, helping Nabal’s father with his sheep. 
She remembered his family had moved soon after into a distant land called Carmel, when Nabal’s father became a shepherd for a wealthy ruler. 

Years had past. Abigail blossomed into a true beauty. Her parents, although poor, had instilled in her heart the conviction to do right and follow the way of her forefathers from the Torah. 
She was known for her quiet demeanour and kindness, as well as her devoted heart to those she loved. As her mother would proudly say, “My Abigail will make a fine wife one day”.

Abigail’s parents succumbed to a dreaded disease soon after. Heart-broken, Abigail was taken in by her Uncle and his family. Her Uncle Shefir was known for his greediness and made life hard for Abigail.
She was forced to sew, cook, and work for the family.

A few years passed. One day, Abigail had walked to the well only to find old Misha with a group of women gathered around her. Wrinkled and bent, Misha was the town gossip. The one who knew everything about everyone wherever they were. Abigail reached the well and the women parted to let her through. “Abigail?” Is that you, my dear”  Misha was also very near blind but that didn’t seem to stop her tongue.
Abigail smiled. “Yes, Misha. It’s me.” “Were not you the childhood playmate of Nabal? The son of the shepherd who moved to Carmel with his family?”
Abigail laughed sadly. “That is many years ago, Misha. But I do recall the happy times I had as a child.”

Misha licked her cracked lips in anticipation. Turning to the group that pressed close by her she said,  “Nabal’s father became very great under the position as shepherd and  moved on to start his own flock. His harem has become famed for its wealth, sheep, and cattle. In all the land of Carmel there is no one greater. I have received word that he has fell suddenly to an untimely death in the past year.” Ooohs broke out from the women.
“Nabal, his son had taken over.  He’s looking for a wife. And is coming back to the village, his birthplace, to find her.” 

Turning to Abigail again Misha whispered, “You may be the chosen. The one who will make this village proud. Nabal comes tomorrow”

Abigail did not know what to think. She quickly dipped water from the well into her pitcher and headed home.

Little did she know that Nabal would arrive. He would be proud and arrogant. So different from the child she had known.

Abigail would catch Nabal’s eye on the first week and Shefir’s greediness allowed a quick betrothal to be arranged.

Abigail sighed again. And here she was. No better than before. Now she was commanded by a husband. One that was prone to drink and frivalty at every given opportunity. He would beat her at the least provocation.
Abigail felt trapped. 

A bleating sound could be heart from the neighbouring pasture. It was sheep-shearing time and Nabal had gone out to help his workers finish up the last of the shearing.
The last bit of stitchery around the hem of Nabal’s robe was almost down. She’d soon be done.  She had already overseen and given the servants instructions for the feast.
She would not be present, but Nabal had demanded she make it the finest yet.

Running feet could be heard approaching. Abigail looked up from her needlework. 
“Mistress.” Benyamin, a servant boy, appeared in the doorway, panting. Abigail raised an eyebrow. Benyamin was not one to cause a stir, at the best of times. He was shy and unassuming, but a hard worker.
“Yes, Benyamin. Calm yourself. What is it?”
“Mistress, a great thing had taken place. And we are in danger. I don’t know what you must do but you must act now.” The words spilled out, blurring into one another.
A perplexed look came on Abigail’s face. “Now, Benyamin. Please, calm down and tell me what is the matter.”

Benyamin took a deep breath. He plunged into the story, this time telling all the details. 
She had heard about David, the great warrior leader, who was promised as Israel’s next king. She had heard the tales of bravery, and victory that had come 
from the neighbouring towns and cities. According to Benyamin, when Nabal had started shearing sheep earlier in the week, ten men had approached.
They greeted Nabal in David’s name. Words of peace and blessing were spoken. They offered to work. Today, at the end of the week, They had requested food and water. 
Benjamin continued that Nabal had ridiculed the men, telling them that he owed no-one anything. He called them names and shouted at them, and flatly refused to share in the meal that had been sent for his workers or pay them. The men had looked very upset and had quickly left.
A deep fear took a place in the deepest part of Abigail’s soul. “Mistress, these men were good. They sheltered the flock during the night and kept watch during the night. They worked hard and asked nothing of us, and did not try to fight or harm us.” Benyamin continued. “Mistress, you are good. You must do something. Another servant has confronted Nabal and he has scoffed him. He will not see reason.  I have just heard word that David plans justice met out to Nabal and his household tonight. Mistress you must intervene.” Abigail knew what justice looked like. Death or at least plunder. David was known in the land for his integrity but also for justice. Justice  would be met out on Nabel and his household. Death would come to him.
She must act quick. 

“Thank-you Benyamin. I need your help. We need several donkeys. Please bring them to the front door.”

Hurrying out of the room, her robe swishing around her, Abigail thought hurriedly. Two hundred loaves of bread to nourish, wine to refresh, sheep ready to eat, corn, raisins, figs, …. yes that would do.
By early afternoon she was headed out with a few servants, Benyamin included, towards the current abode of David and his men.

Abigail’s heart pounded in her chest. She could be walking right into death, for all she knew. David was angered and her gesture might fall short of making peace.


David groaned. The ten men surrounded him with downcast, discontented faces.
He knew he would need to find food for his men. Nabal had just insulted everything, including Jehovah to his men. It was a simple request. Repay good for good. Work for food and payment. 

His dark eyebrows knit together and then a look of resolve shown on his finely chiseled face.

“This man, Nabal, has repaid evil for good.”

“Get ready, with swords. We will go and meet Nabal. He will not hear reason, so he will hear our swords.”

The men hurried out and soon returned, geared for the confrontation. David now stood up from his position in front of the blazing fire.
David gave the impression of one in authority. He was known for his softer side when he wrote and sang psalms, but now he looked every ounce a King.
He was tall, with dark hair that curled around his forehead. A maintained beard added to his kingly features. 
His eyes were brown with hazel-green accents. They shone with resolve and purpose now, although they could hold deep sadness and depth.

“My Lord, David!” Joab came running up to David.  David turned his firm gaze to Joab. “Report, Joab.” “My Lord, I just heard from the lookouts that a caravan is coming our way. They believe it comes from Nabal’s household.”

David looked grim. “Are there weapons?” Joab shook his head, puzzled. “No, My Lord. Not as seen yet. It is only servants. And a  woman, my Lord. The donkeys they are traveling with are heavy laiden”

A look of suspicion raced across David’s face, then a look of resignation came over it. “Let us meet them”.


Abigail raised the palm of her hand in the air.  It was a signal to halt. They were nearing a clearing, no doubt David’s abode for now. It was growing dusk, but fires could be seen throughout the camp.
Abigail petitioned the God of her fathers to hear her now. That they would find favour in David’s eyes and peace would come. She silently hoped peace would come in her life too. She had been miserable, although she never let it on. She preoccupied herself with the work that was given her, the ruling on the harem. But in her heart she knew that she needed peace in her own heart as well.

With a swift gesture, Abigail sent their little caravan on. Into the clearing, not knowing what lay ahead but certain Jehovah was in control.


David turned around. A herd of donkeys were coming through the clearing. They clearly were burdened down. Some  of David’s men went to rush forward. He raised his hand to them in a signal of stand-by. They would see what this was about first. As the figures became clear, David’s jaw dropped. A woman was at the front of the group, and the rest - was laid with food. Lots of it.
As the donkeys came forward, David saw that the woman was very fair. She was young, with a look of nobleness to her that out-shown her looks. Her face had a resignation on it that spoke of great pain.

As she drew near the woman jumped off her donkey, and fell on her face at David’s feet, bowing in a gesture of honour. 
“My Lord, let this evil thing that my husband has done to you and your men be repaid to me. Let me voice my thoughts and speak to you about this.”

David swallowed. Nabal? Nabal’s wife? How could this be. Then he knew. This woman had come to make recompense for her wicked husband’s deeds. 
A woman of resolve she most certainly was. And brave. What woman would meet four hundred men to make peace for her husband’s actions?

David spoke hoarsely. “Rise, woman. Speak.”

Abigail arose and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Do not, my Lord, I pray you, think anything of Nabal. His name surely tells you what he is. Foolish. But I, your servant, did not see the young men that came who worked for my husband.”

She paused, then rushed on. “Now therefore, my Lord, as the Lord is alive and as you are alive, and seeing the Lord has stopped you from shedding blood and avenging this great evil on your enemies, accept this peace offering.”

She turned to her servants and each one started unloading their burdens. David’s men rushed to help, but David stood in stunned silence. How could this gem be in Nabal’s household?

“I have brought this to you, give it to your men.” Abigail said. A tear trickled over. “Forgive the sin I have done to thee, My Lord. Jehovah will certainly give the kingdom to you because you uphold the battles of the Lord and you are honest and righteous in His sight. If ever any man rises to pursue or do you harm, the Lord will preserve you. Those who do evil will Jehovah fling out forever.”

A pause. She looked hopeful and she burst out “And when you do become King, remember thine handmaid.”

A smile tugged at David’s lips. Yes she was brave. And upright.

David’s voice rang out. “Bless the Lord almighty that sent you today.” “And blessed be your advice. You have kept me from shedding blood this night and avenging myself. Bless you, virtuous woman!”
Surely, there would have been a slaughter tonight if you had not come to bring peace.”

Turning to his men, David continued, “We will accept this peace offering.” A cheer went up. 
Turning to Abigail he smiled gently.  “I have heard you tonight and accepted your gift. Go in peace.”

A look of relief passed over Abigail’s faith and she nodded faintly.

The caravan made its way, now empty back home.


“Where is she! I need her” Nabal roared. It was in the midst of the feast, that Abigail returned.
She found Nabal very much drunk and raving. “My Lord” Abigail rushed in when she had heard of being called.
“Bring your harp and play for us.” the orders were barked. Abigail bowed her head in resignation. It would be a long night. She would not tell him. He did not need to know just yet.


In the morning Abigail sought out Nabal. She quaked in fear, knowing that she would be the object of ill treatment now.
Bravery, that she did not have but came from the Almighty flowed through her. She spoke. Of his evil ways. Of his rejection of David’s Men. 
Of the death plan for his household. Of her trip and peace offering.

Nabal face changed from a healthy colour to white and he shortly after collapsed, and became paralyzed, dying within the fortnight. The Lord had stricken him down because of his great wickedness.

David did remember Abigail and requested that she talk with him after Nabal’s death. He took Abigail as his wife, and Abigail then knew what it was to be valued, honoured, and loved.

However, without her great bravery and courage in facing the fear of meeting 400 men of war to restitute evil and bring peace her life may have never changed.

Truly, our lives only can change when we are willing to comply with God’s ways.

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